Online Assistance Platform (monthly)


€15.00 billed every month

DIYnaturalpools Online Assistance Platform

  • Ask an expert any questions relating to your DIY natural swimming pool build.

  • Get access to our Knowledge Database.

  • Get access to exclusive video content.

Although our ebook is very complete we also know that every build is different and every build has specific challenges.

Do you have some additional questions you’d like to ask us? Did you encounter a problem during your build and now you don’t know exactly how to proceed. For example: you can’t figure out how to make the drainage or airhose connections? You want to make a stairs in your NSP but you don't know how?

We want to help you with all this. That’s why we’ve launched DIYnaturalpools Online Assistance Platform, made especially for DIY builders that are using the DIYnaturalpools method. If you need some support before/during/after your build this is for you!
